Tuesday 27 March 2012

The Blue Mountains


So since we last posted, we've been seriously trying this looking for a job thing.  So far, it hasn't paid off but we're optimistic!  We've also been planning our travels for when Coley comes out.  Our route will hopefully be: Sydney - Kuala Lumper, Kuala Lumper - Hanoi, Siem Reap - Kuala Lumper, Kuala Lumper - Denpasar (Bali), Denpasar - Perth, Perth - Sydney.  Then depending on the money situation we'll either work in Sydney for a bit and travel up the coast, or we'll work our way up the coast.

The most interesting thing we've done in the past week was go to the Blue Mountains last Friday.  We'd heard mixed reviews; some folk had said "oh, it's just some hills and rocks", others had said it was "incredible"

We had actually planned to go on the Wednesday, but slept in.  We're now so glad that we did, we had an absolute belter of a day for the visit!

So we got the train from Windsor to Blacktown, before we had to swap for the Blue Mountains train to Katoomba.  Here is Ewen on the train...I think the train looked like it should be from the 70s

We walked from Katoomba to Echo Point, where I made friends with a giant koala in the gift shop...

The view from Echo Point was absolutely incredible.  There's not much I can say so here are a whole load if pictures, although they don't do it justice!

Aboriginal man with didgeridoo

The Three Sisters

Ewen & The Three Sisters

From Echo Point, we wanted to go up the Giant Steps which lead right to the Three Sisters.  Unfortunately these were closed due to a land slide.  So we headed off in the other direction along the Prince Henry cliff walk, en route to Scenic World!

Due to the abnormal amount of rain in the area over summer, the path now resembles a swimming pool or mud bath.

The view from halfway along the Prince Henry cliff walk

Going up some of the thousands of steps from the Prince Henry cliff walk

Only a small fraction of the steps we walked up

The start of Katoomba Falls.  Such a beautiful, but peaceful place

After leaving the fountains, we found ourselves in the jungle, before more stairs, more mud (I had an unfortunate brawl with a fence whilst trying to avoid being engulfed by mud.  As a result, I have obtained a nasty bruise on my right arm which is now an attractive shade of puke)...and road!  So we finally made it to Scenic World.  I took a picture of the "4 big facts about Scenic World" so I wouldn't have to remember them to tell you.  What I will say though, is that the Scenic Railway was AWESOME!!!

...so awesome, that here is Ewen while we're going down

And this is the view on the way down (after coming out of a black cave)

We took the longest of the three walks around the rain forest.  There wasn't much to see except two fake coal mines (which were surrounded by the whole of China) and a fake miners cottage.  It started to get a bit chilly under the canopy and we were hungry so we headed for the cable car back to the top.  You can see the Katoomba Falls in the picture below.  There's actually a glass-bottom cable car which you can get across the valley to see the falls better, but we didn't pay the extra $10 each for that ticket.

The Three Sisters from the cable car
Ewen's first holiday purchase, a $5 Australia hat, complete with corks!

All in all, we were lucky and had an excellent day for the trip!  The lonely planet guide recommended that you spent more than one day there, however we felt that we did and saw enough in just one day.  Although if you wanted to do some of the walking trails or go further into the mountains then I'd definitely recommend a longer trip.

Since then we've been on the job search really, yesterday in Blacktown and today in Parramatta.  Tomorrow we'll probably go to Richmond and hopefully book some flights!  Last night I managed to get bitten by mosquitos SIX times in 20 minutes, all on my feet.  I'm currently rocking elephantiasis of the right foot, which is not a great look.  Ewen had football training tonight and was told that the first game (supposed to be this weekend) had been postponed for three weeks due to the pitches being waterlogged, which has made him sad.  Although he made two friends!

Hope all is well wherever you are reading this.  Hopefully the next time I write my feet will be less swollen and itchy.

Lots of love x

1 comment:

  1. Bad news about the feet! I don't get bitten in Achiase, it's only when I go south to the coast the mosquitoes go for me, but my legs, feet and hands are just CONSTANTLY covered in cuts and bruises of unknown origin. Definitely getting very hardy limbs in the jungle.

    Oh, and it looks like you're really roughing it on those mountain pathways...

    Fi x
