Sunday 11 March 2012


Day 3

Ewen found a football team which was really close by to where we’re staying, so we decided to investigate.  After walking through a swamp to get to a dead end, we finally found our way in.  Although it was shut we had a wee nosey.

On the way back we decided to walk into Windsor because I found out (through google maps) that the town had a few more streets to it than we initially thought.  We had a walk around before sitting outside next to the river with a rainbow flavoured ice lolly.  Because of the heavy rains just before we arrived the river is really high at the moment, whole trees are submerged.  As it was a nice day we decided to follow the path along the river, before once again the pavement disappeared.

We returned home to find….SUNBURN.  We’d ended up out for longer than anticipated :(

Day 4

After a lazy day in the back garden taking silly photos, we met up with Karen at her local en-route to her house for dinner (Steve has been telling us that her cooking is awful, although alcohol helps).

Despite what Steve has told us, dinner was really lovely.  We since found out that she cheated and bought cooked chickens.  It was lovely to properly meet Casey and Kurt (Karins kids) and we planned our day at the beach the following day.

Day 5

To get to Manley (Steve’s favourite beach) we had to get the train (which takes about an hour and 20 mins) into Sydney, then another train for about 10 minutes before a 30 minute ferry to Manly.  We went for lunch at a posh sailing club (haha Ewen and I in a posh sailing club, can you imagine it?!) before heading to the beach.  There was a highland dancing competition with bagpipes, which everyone joked they’d organised for us so that we didn’t feel homesick.  Nelson (Casey’s boyfriend, and the butt of all the jokes) asked me if that’s what we really listen to, when I told him (with a straight face) it was, a mixture of shock and embarrassment crossed his face.  Haha!

Once we got the ferry back, Ewen and I had a wander around the harbour and took some touristy photos, but didn’t stay around for long.  We’re going to have a proper touristy day in the city soon I think.

So that’s pretty much what we’ve been up to since we last posted.  We’ve applied for our tax numbers and should receive our bank account details in the next few days.  We also need to go on a half day course before we can work in a bar which we’ll hopefully get organised this week.

Hop you’re all well.  Love Alison & Ewen x

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